Friday, January 19, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007

Saturday Night: Redeye Theatre Project 2.3.24 hour play festival
Jan 13
Studio Theatre
Sunday Night: BUS 2. 24-hour play festival
presented by Bricolage Theatre
Jan 14
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Resolute in 2007!

But what if your resolution is less constrictive and more constructive… refined… What, if like my own, your resolution is to see and support more of Pittsburgh Indie Theatre? Has the PGH Theatre Community collectively picked a diversified season… a buffet of options… a plethora relevant stage stories? The answer is “YES!”
So, if you find yourself up for a challenge, join PGH Theatre Connect in our One-A-Week challenge. Every week in 2007 we will choose one production… one must see masterpiece giving a true urgency to our Weekly Pick. Many well purposed resolutions fade away after a few months, but we here at PGHTC vow to keep you on track.
So here’s to good intentions and we’ll see you at the theatre!